Jim Norton, b. 1953, Price, Utah, (United States)
Jim C. Norton claims he was born with a paintbrush in one hand, a telephone in the other, and a pigeon on his shoulder. These interests continue today. Raised most of his life in western Wyoming, Norton gained a working knowledge of ranch life, and an early and lasting respect for the life of the rancher, by helping friends with haying, branding, and feeding cattle. He also learned about the seasonal changes of the year and the intertwining of nature and man.
Norton’s education in the field of art began as a child watching his grandfather, Earl Fausett, paint in his basement studio. He continues to develop his knowledge and abilities—while also enabling family and friends to enjoy the Western way of life—through pack trips deep into the same mountains he visited as a young man. Paints and camera are always close by when he visits favorite Western mountain ranges.