Trailside Galleries is pleased to present “Into the Winds” a collection of recent paintings by Colorado artist Lanny Grant that feature landscape scenes from remote areas of the vast Wind River Range in Wyoming. The show will be on exhibit at the gallery during the month of July.
The Wind River Mountains encompass over 2.25 million acres of unspoiled beauty and feature 40 peaks over 13,000 feet as well as over 1,300 lakes. Grant first became interested in painting this beautiful region of the Rocky Mountains in 2012 when he joined fellow artists Tucker Smith and Andrew Peters on a weeklong pack trip “into the winds.” Thomson Outfitters based in Pinedale, Wyoming provided riding horses and pack mules for the artists and guided them up the Upper Green River valley to paint. German artist Carl Rungius first visited the region in 1895 and continued to make hunting and painting expeditions to the area for the next 20 years.
Each summer since 2012, Grant has returned to the Wind River Range to paint and explore more of the wonders of this wilderness. Frequently, these packtrips retraced routes that Rungius took on his expeditions, visiting remote areas such as Vista Pass and Borum Lake that have remained unchanged for over 100 years.
This new collection of Lanny Grant oil paintings includes plein air field studies completed on the packtrips and larger studio works based on the field research. Familiar landmarks include Fremont Peak, the third largest peak in Wyoming, Titcomb Basin, a U shaped valley carved by ancient glaciers and Square Top Mountain with its sheer granite walls and distinctive profile.
Since 1963, Trailside Galleries of Jackson, Wyoming and Scottsdale, Arizona has been regarded as one of the pre-eminent dealers in American representational art, specializing in a rich and varied collection of works by the leading western, wildlife, figurative, impressionist, and landscape artists in the country. The artist roster includes members of the Cowboy Artists of America, National Academy of Design, Oil Painters of America, Plein-Air Painters of America, Prix De West, Society of Animal Artists, National Sculpture Society and Masters of the American West.
Please contact Kimberly C. Fletcher, Marketing & Communications Director at 307.200.1622 or via email media@trailsidegalleries.com for further information and images.