Masters In Miniature Invitational
July 1 - July 31, 2015
Open House: Thursday, July 16, 2015, 5-7pm
Trailside Galleries is pleased to present the fifth annual Masters In Miniature Exhibition and Sale, featuring more than 200 small works by the gallery’s roster of artists as well as a distinguished list of invited guest artists.
The show continues to grow and evolve as the gallery brings in new talent to participate in the event and it provides a wonderful platform to showcase these small jewels with a wide range of subject matter and artistic styles available. From tightly rendered works to a more painterly, interpretive approach, the selection of artwork includes western subjects, figurative works, wildlife, landscapes, seascapes and florals.
Since 1963, Trailside Galleries of Jackson, Wyoming and Scottsdale, Arizona has been regarded as one of the pre-eminent dealers in American representational art, specializing in a rich and varied collection of works by the leading western, wildlife, figurative, impressionist, and landscape artists in the country. The artist roster includes members of the Cowboy Artists of America, National Academy of Design, Oil Painters of America, Plein-Air Painters of America, Prix De West, Society of Animal Artists, National Sculpture Society and Masters of the American West.
Please contact Kimberly C. Fletcher at 307.200.1622 or email at media@trailsidegalleries.com for further information and images.