Trailside Galleries is pleased to present Native Spirit:Two Voices, a show of new works by Utah based artists Robert Duncan and Greg Overton. The show will be on exhibit at the gallery from March 16 through April 30, 2020.
An aspiring artist from an early age, it was Robert Duncan’s childhood summers on his grandfather’s ten thousand acre Wyoming cattle ranch that deeply instilled in him a love of nature and rural life that continues to be the central focus of his life and art today. Duncan’s career began to flourish in the early 1980’s after he was juried into the prestigious Cowboy Artists of America organization. While he paints a variety of subjects ranging from pure landscapes to wildlife and figurative works, he is most recognized for his Native American subjects, with a particular focus on the daily lives of Ute, Crow and Blackfeet tribes and their interaction with the environment and nature.
A love of western art was instilled in Greg Overton at an early age. His mother taught him to paint when he was just 5 or 6 years old, and he was copying the work of artists such as Russell and Remington by the time he was in grade school. Overton’s work celebrates Native American culture which he portrays in a respectful, even reverent way. The artist bases most of his paintings on history and strives to make his portraits as authentic as possible by hiring models from the same tribe, getting beadwork custom-made, and using the correct types of face paint, such as red ochre, yellow ochre, and clay. Overton’s paintings are based on historical figures such as Sitting Bull, Red Cloud and Geronimo. Combining both historical photographs with his modern American Indian models he is able to create stunning portraits dedicated to the American Indian way of life.