Trailside Galleries is pleased to present its annual “Wildlife Discovery”, exhibition and sale featuring all new works from an outstanding group of nationally known wildlife painters. The Jackson gallery has a long tradition of hosting this event, as the area attracts a variety of wildlife enthusiasts including including photographers, nature buffs and of course, wildlife artists! Many of the country’s most noted wildlife painters and sculptors will participate in the event, bringing an eclectic mixture of wildlife and natural subjects from around the world. While the primary focus of the show is North American mammals, the show will also include works depicting delicate birds and smaller species of animals. The show will hang during the month of March with an Open House scheduled for Thursday March 17 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.
Wildlife art continues to be one of the most collected genres of art in the country. Given the heightened awareness of global warming and fragile ecosystems, the genre has taken on a whole new dimension, as the artists strive not only to create an esthetically pleasing image, but to have it serve as an educational tool to bring more awareness to preservation.
Participating Artists:
Julie Askew, Guy Coheleach, John DeMott, J.C. Dye, Lori Forest, Veryl Goodnight, Bruce Lawes, Shawn Gould, Bruce Lawes, Jan Martin McGuire, Bonnie Marris, Ralph Oberg, Sherry Sander, Lindsay Scott, John and Suzie Seerey-Lester, Kyle Sims, Tucker Smith, Dan Smith, Adam Smith, Linda St. Clair, Renso Tamse, Ezra Tucker, Kent Ullberg, Dustin Van Wechel, Sarah Woods.
Since 1963, Trailside Galleries of Jackson, Wyoming and Scottsdale, Arizona has been regarded as one of the pre-eminent dealers in American representational art, specializing in a rich and varied collection of works by the leading western, wildlife, figurative, impressionist, and landscape artists in the country. The artist roster includes members of the Cowboy Artists of America, National Academy of Design, Oil Painters of America, Plein-Air Painters of America, Prix De West, Society of Animal Artists, National Sculpture Society and Masters of the American West.
Please contact Kimberly C. Fletcher, Marketing & Communications Director at 307.200.1622 or email media@trailsidegalleries.com for further information and images.