Click to View a Collection of Works by Lori Forest
A resident of Colorado for most of her life, Lori's paintings reflect her fascination for ‘all things west’. Her compositions emphasize the dramatic effects of light and atmosphere to create a sense of depth and energy within her work. She is proficient at painting many aspects of western art — from landscapes, to wildlife and equine subjects. Lori's style is strongly influenced by past masters of the Hudson River School and contemporaries Tucker Smith, Michael Coleman and Colorado's Jay Moore.
Nationally recognized, Lori's paintings have been selected for exhibitions throughout the country, including The Masters of the American West, Oil Painters of America, The National Museum of Wildlife Art, Paint the Parks Top 100, And the American Academy of Equine Art.
Lori studied art and geology at Colorado State University, but believes her greatest teacher has been observation and experience. An active outdoors person and horsewoman, Lori paints from her own personal experience. Backcountry explorations often bring her face to face with the wildlife in their natural habitat. These personal experiences are the inspiration for her art.