Trailside Galleries is pleased to present “The Twelve Artists of Christmas” a special Holiday Season show highlighting a collection of small works by twelve of the gallery’s top collected wildlife painters. A champagne reception is scheduled for Thursday evening, December 7 from 5:00- 7:00 pm.
Although past years have seen the gallery host a Holiday miniature show featuring all of its artists, this year the theme is geared to highlighting a select group of painters who will each provide a minimum of three small works for the event. The gallery has thoughtfully curated the works to give the show a balanced and well-rounded group of miniature paintings to offer its collectors. The participating artists are Ken Carlson, Adam Smith, Shawn Gould, Bruce Lawes, Bonnie Marris, Jhenna Quinn Lewis, Lindsay Scott, Kyle Sims, Linda St. Clair, Tucker Smith, Ezra Tucker and Dustin Van Wechel.